Donald Joseph Qualls (also known as DJ Qualls) is a fashion actor and model hailing in the US. After becoming famous through his performances on Road Trip and The New Guy Hustle & Flow He was featured in over 20 feature films, including The Core. The actor has also been featured in more than 22 television series like Breaking Bad Supernatural Scrubs Lost Law & Order and others. A survivor of Hodgkin's lymphoma and diagnosed with at the age of 14 Qualls is a fighter. The cancer returned to remission two years later. The treatment at an early age had an adverse effect on his body. It hindered his development. At the time he started to make decisions, financial security appeared to be his goal. The man had experienced hardship in his early years. Interviewer stated that as the way he lived was so shabby over a period of time I required financial stability to feel secure. In the course of an interview the actor also discusses his childhood. He is determined to end bullying. DJ states "Cruelty is a snare to my soul." He claims that his dream job would be that of dads in reality and in film. He admits that Directors aren't able to put him in these role. It's great to one day be the parent of his own child, at which point the time comes when he can devote less time on career and spend more time with his children.
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